On this page:
The #1 Resource: The Bible
Read Genesis to Revelation, regularly. To help you read the Bible utilise John Bonds paper Journal or e-journal or the tools you learn in "How to read the wisemans book” at camp. Lead a bible study group using this simple bookmark Then, when you read christian books, do so with wisdom... How to read a Christian Book Visit many good books, but live in the Bible - C.H. Spurgeon |
Reading Resources
Topical Suggestions:
Top Books
Aussie Resources
WVA Camp Videos
Recommended Video Resources:
1. The War on Truth
2. Bible Project
3. PragerU
4. ACL
5. John Andersons Conversations
Webinar Series
Worldview In A Time of Wonder And Worry
- 5 webinars from the faculty of Worldview Academy America
Core Stuff One Pager - 5 min videos on the basics of the faith https://www.geoffwestlake.com/onepager.html
Core Stuff - 5 hours of more indepth reasons for your faith https://www.geoffwestlake.com/core-stuff.html
Cultural Conversations - Worldview Academy - topical videos. https://www.worldview.org/cultural-conversations
ACL - The Download - videos https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VpIswhObKP8&list=PLFMoODxYYkmeW7sgcGyoBgJsAx2EGzpst
- contact ACL if you would like The Download in WA as they are taking expressions of interest
1. The War on Truth
2. Bible Project
3. PragerU
4. ACL
5. John Andersons Conversations
Webinar Series
Worldview In A Time of Wonder And Worry
- 5 webinars from the faculty of Worldview Academy America
Core Stuff One Pager - 5 min videos on the basics of the faith https://www.geoffwestlake.com/onepager.html
Core Stuff - 5 hours of more indepth reasons for your faith https://www.geoffwestlake.com/core-stuff.html
Cultural Conversations - Worldview Academy - topical videos. https://www.worldview.org/cultural-conversations
ACL - The Download - videos https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VpIswhObKP8&list=PLFMoODxYYkmeW7sgcGyoBgJsAx2EGzpst
- contact ACL if you would like The Download in WA as they are taking expressions of interest
More Training Opportunities
1. Core Stuff
Check the “Core Stuff” of the Christian Faith. This should is foundational for WVA. Free videos and material online, or invite Geoff to your school/group.
2. Boost
Boost your faith and leadership. 1 day per term over 2 years for years 9-12, or invite Geoff to your school/group.
3. Skill Up with SUWA
Get some affordable hard skills in leading small groups, leading on camps, Bronze, First Aid, Water activities etc
SUWAs Leadership training camp. Run twice a year, this affordable camp will equip you with leadership skills for camps.
5. The Download
A week long program run by the Lachlan Macquarie Institute for ACL in NSW designed to help 18-25s navigate their way through the landscape of ideas and attractions that universities promote.
contact ACL if you would like Download in WA as they are taking expressions of interest
6. Leadership and Civil Society
A 12 week summer program for future leaders who have completed an undergraduate degree.
7. CRUWest - Sharing Jesus with the next generation via school groups and holiday camps.
Worldview Australia content/speakers are available for bringing to your church, school, university or camp for a series. Please inquire and we can tailor make a program for you.
1. Core Stuff
Check the “Core Stuff” of the Christian Faith. This should is foundational for WVA. Free videos and material online, or invite Geoff to your school/group.
2. Boost
Boost your faith and leadership. 1 day per term over 2 years for years 9-12, or invite Geoff to your school/group.
3. Skill Up with SUWA
Get some affordable hard skills in leading small groups, leading on camps, Bronze, First Aid, Water activities etc
SUWAs Leadership training camp. Run twice a year, this affordable camp will equip you with leadership skills for camps.
5. The Download
A week long program run by the Lachlan Macquarie Institute for ACL in NSW designed to help 18-25s navigate their way through the landscape of ideas and attractions that universities promote.
contact ACL if you would like Download in WA as they are taking expressions of interest
6. Leadership and Civil Society
A 12 week summer program for future leaders who have completed an undergraduate degree.
7. CRUWest - Sharing Jesus with the next generation via school groups and holiday camps.
- Ministry Training & Volunteer Leadership - https://www.cruwest.edu.au/ministry-training
- Grow your faith and equip yourself to serve Christ at School at a CrossTrain Camp https://www.cruwest.edu.au/leadership-camps
Worldview Australia content/speakers are available for bringing to your church, school, university or camp for a series. Please inquire and we can tailor make a program for you.
Other Recommended Organisations
1. ACL - https://www.acl.org.au/
- The Download - www.thedownload.org.au/
2. Sheridan College - https://www.sheridan.edu.au/
3. Creation Ministries - https://creation.com/
4. Canberra Declaration - Stand up for Aussie Values - https://canberradeclaration.org.au/
5. Scripture Union - https://www.suwa.org.au
6. Sonlife Ministries - https://sonlife.com.au/
- Dynamic Church Planting International - dcpi.org/
7. OAC Ministries - https://www.oac.org.au/wa/
8. Worldview Academy in USA - https://worldview.org/
9. Australian Christians - Political Party WA - https://australianchristians.com.au/
10. Australian Christian Values Institute - produce election Christian Values Checklists http://www.christianvalues.org.au/
11. CRUWest - https://www.cruwest.edu.au
12. Family Voice - https://familyvoice.org.au/
13. Australian Family Association - https://ncc.org.au/australian-family-association/
14. National Civic Council - https://ncc.org.au/
15. Life Ministries - https://lifeministries.org.au/
16. Culture Watch - https://billmuehlenberg.com/
17. Campion College - www.campion.edu.au
18. Notre Dame University - www.notredame.edu.au/
1. ACL - https://www.acl.org.au/
- The Download - www.thedownload.org.au/
2. Sheridan College - https://www.sheridan.edu.au/
3. Creation Ministries - https://creation.com/
4. Canberra Declaration - Stand up for Aussie Values - https://canberradeclaration.org.au/
5. Scripture Union - https://www.suwa.org.au
6. Sonlife Ministries - https://sonlife.com.au/
- Dynamic Church Planting International - dcpi.org/
7. OAC Ministries - https://www.oac.org.au/wa/
8. Worldview Academy in USA - https://worldview.org/
9. Australian Christians - Political Party WA - https://australianchristians.com.au/
10. Australian Christian Values Institute - produce election Christian Values Checklists http://www.christianvalues.org.au/
11. CRUWest - https://www.cruwest.edu.au
12. Family Voice - https://familyvoice.org.au/
13. Australian Family Association - https://ncc.org.au/australian-family-association/
14. National Civic Council - https://ncc.org.au/
15. Life Ministries - https://lifeministries.org.au/
16. Culture Watch - https://billmuehlenberg.com/
17. Campion College - www.campion.edu.au
18. Notre Dame University - www.notredame.edu.au/